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Showing posts from October, 2012


1) Mcrypt : This is an interface to the mcrypt library, which supports a wide variety of block algorithms such as DES, TripleDES, Blowfish (default), 3-WAY, SAFER-SK64, SAFER-SK128, TWOFISH, TEA, RC2 and GOST in CBC, OFB, CFB and ECB cipher modes. Additionally, it supports RC6 and IDEA which are considered "non-free". CFB/OFB are 8bit by default. 2) Mhash : These functions are intended to work with » mhash. Mhash can be used to create checksums, message digests, message authentication codes, and more. This is an interface to the mhash library. Mhash supports a wide variety of hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, GOST, and many others. 3) Simplexml : The SimpleXML extension provides a very simple and easily usable toolset to convert XML to an object that can be processed with normal property selectors and array iterators. 4) DOM : The DOM extension allows you to op  erate on XML documents through the DOM API with PHP 5. 5) InnoDB storage engine : InnoDB is ...

Creating a new theme in magento

How to create a design theme: Warning: DO NOT DUPLICATE AN EXISTING THEME. Yes, this would make it slightly easier to create your new theme, but it will also make your new theme horribly incompatible with Magento updates. Many designers (including some major Magento design companies) did this for a long time, and left the Magento world in a bit of a mess when 1.4 was released. Instead, use the “least impact” approach, outlined in this article to maximize compatibility with updates. The first step will be creating the folders for the new theme. We’ll call your new design new_theme. Create the following folders: New folders: 1. /app/design/frontend/default/new_theme/ - our new theme 2. /app/design/frontend/default/new_theme/layout 3. /app/design/frontend/default/new_theme/templates 4. /skin/frontend/default/new_theme/ - our new skins folder 5. /skin/frontend/default/new_theme/css/ 6. /skin/frontend/default/new_theme/images/ Also, create the following ...

Calling layout blocks using Magento functions

<block type="page/html_toplinks" name="top.left.links" as="topLeftLinks"/> <?=$this getChildHtml(’as’)?> - by using the block alias “as” from the XML file we can display a block on our page → providing that it  was defined already in the corresponding XML file <?=$this→getLayout()→getBlock(’name’)→toHtml()?> - by using the block name from the XML file, we can call any block whether or  not it was already defined in corresponding XML file

magento not able to login in crome on localhost

Problem : Do you know why this problem occures ? The problem occurs because magneto could not store cookies. We run it as localhost and localhost is not true domain but to store cookies we need a domain. That’s why login stops without saying any word. Solution : 1: it will work. instead of  http://localhost/magento/index.php/admin it will work. then go to admin system ->web -> web_browser_capabilities and select no-no and then save its and you are doen.(during this you have to change url manual loCALHOST TO 2: if you great coader then try this... Second Solution Go to  app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php  file within your magento directory. Find the code: session_set_cookie_params( $this->getCookie()->getLifetime(), $this->getCookie()->getPath(), $this->getCookie()->getDomain(), $this->getCookie()->isSecure(), $this->getCookie()->get...

Unable to install php5-curl IN linux

if You have higher version of php-common or any thing then first remove it and after that install php5-curl , php5-gd, and what-ever you get error. some thing like this... but you have to notice that when you are trying to remove module then that time some other module is  when i try to run  sudo apt-get remove php5-common then i get  Removing php5 ... Removing libapache2-mod-php5 ... Module php5 disabled. To activate the new configuration, you need to run:   service apache2 restart Removing php5-cgi ... Removingl   php5-mysq ... Removing php5-mcrypt ... Removing php5-cli ... Removing php5-common ...aloso removed some thing like then you have to install all removed module like   sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 sudo apt-get install  php5-cgi sudo apt-get install   php5-mysq sudo apt-get install   php5-mysq sudo apt-get install  php5-cli  sudo apt-get re...

Special Methods in python

There are certain special methods which have special significance in classes such as the  __init__  and  __del__  methods whose significance we have already seen. Generally, special methods are used to mimic certain behavior. For example, if you want to use the  x[key]  indexing operation for your class (just like you use for lists and tuples) then just implement the __getitem__()  method and your job is done. If you think about it, this is what Python does for the  list  class itself! Some useful special methods are listed in the following table. If you want to know about all the special methods, then a huge list is available in the Python Reference Manual. Name Explanation __init__(self, ...) This method is called just before the newly created object is returned for usage. __del__(self) Called just before the object is destroyed __str__(self) Called when we use the  print  statement with the object or when  ...

The os module in python

This module represents generic  o perating  s ystem functionality. This module is especially important if you want to make your programs platform-independent i.e. it allows the program to be written such that it will run on Linux as well as Windows without any problems and without requiring changes. An example of this is using the  os.sep  variable instead of the operation system-specific path separator. Some of the more useful parts of the  os  module are listed below Most of them are self-explanatory. The  string specifies which platform you are using, such as  'nt'  for Windows and  'posix'  for Linux/Unix users. The  os.getcwd()  function gets the current working directory i.e. the path of the directory from which the curent Python script is working. The  os.getenv()  and  os.putenv()  functions are used to get and set environment variables respectively. The  os.listdir...

Web Audio API

Before the HTML5  <audio>  element, Flash or another plugin was required to break the silence of the web. While audio on the web no longer requires a plugin, the audio tag brings significant limitations for implementing sophisticated games and interactive applications. The Web Audio API is a high-level JavaScript API for processing and synthesizing audio in web applications. The goal of this API is to include capabilities found in modern game audio engines and some of the mixing, processing, and filtering tasks that are found in modern desktop audio production applications. What follows is a gentle introduction to using this powerful API. GETTING STARTED WITH THE AUDIOCONTEXT An  AudioContext  is for managing and playing all sounds. To produce a sound using the Web Audio API, create one or more sound sources and connect them to the sound destination provided by the  AudioContext  instance. This connection doesn't need to be direct, and can g...