Variable | Description |
{{store url=""}} | Store website address. |
{{var logo_url}} | URL of store logo |
{{var logo_alt}} | Alternative text for store logo if image is unavailable. |
{{var store.getFrontendName()}} | Store name (as defined in system configurations) |
{{var store url="customer/account/"}} | Web address of customer accounts page. |
{{config path='trans_email/ident_support/email'}} | Support email address (as defined in store configuration) |
{{config path='general/store_information/phone'}} | Store phone number (as defined in store configuration) |
{{config path="general/store_information/address"}} | Store address (as defined in store configuration) |
{{store url="adminhtml/system_account"}} | Link address for admin login page. |
New Order (and New Order for Guest)
Variable | Description |
{{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}} | * For New Order only, Name of customer as defined in Customer Information for order |
{{var order.increment_id}} | Order identification number. |
{{var order.getCreatedAtFormated('long')}} | Date and time this current order was created |
{{var order.getBillingAddress().format('html')}} | Complete billing address for HTML emails |
{{var payment_html}} | Payment method (formatted for HTML emails) |
{{var order.getShippingAddress{}.format('html')}} | Complete shipping address for HTML emails |
{{var order.getShippingDescription()}} | Shipping method for order |
{{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order}} | Displays line items, SKU number, qty, subtotal, and total order information. |
{{htmlescape var=$order.getBillingAddress().getName()}} | * For New Order for Guest only, Name of customer as defined in Billing address for the order |
New Invoice (and New Invoice for Guest)
Variable | Description |
{{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}} | *For New Invoice only, Name of customer as defined in Customer Information for order |
{{var invoice.increment_id}} | Invoice identification number |
{{var order.increment_id}} | Order identification number |
{{var order.billing_address.format('html')}} | Billing address as per order information (in HTML format) |
{{var payment_html}} | Payment method formatted for HTML emails. |
{{var order.shipping_address.format('html')}} | Complete billing address formatted for HTML emails |
{{var order.shipping_description}} | Shipping method for order |
{{var comment}} | Comments that have been noted with the invoice. Only shown when you checkmark the checkbox “Email copy of invoice" and checkmark "Append comments". |
{{htmlescape var=$billing.getName()}} | * For New Invoice for Guest only, Customer name as defined in billing information for order. |
New Shipment (and New Shipment for Guest)
Variable | Description |
{{var shipment.increment_id}} | Shipment identification number. |
{{var order.increment_id}} | Order identification number. |
{{var shipment.increment_id}} | Shipment identification number. |
{{var order.billing_address.format('html')}} | Complete billing address formatted for HTML emails |
{{var payment_html}} | Payment method formatted for HTML emails. |
{{var order.shipping_address.format('html')}} | Complete shipping address formatted for HTML emails. |
{{var order.shipping_description}} | Shipping method. |
{{htmlescape var=$billing.getName()}} | * For New Shipment For Guest only, Customer name as defined in billing information for order. |
{{var comment}} | Comments that have been noted with the shipment. Only shown when you checkmark the checkbox “Email copy of invoice" and checkmark “Append comments". |
New Credit Memo (and New Credit Memo for Guest)
Variable | Description |
{{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}} | * For New Credit Memo only, Customer name (as per order information) |
{{var order.increment_id}} | Order identification number |
{{var order.getStatusLabel()}} | Current status of the order. |
{{var comment}} | Comments (if any) that were left with the credit memo. Displayed when checkboxes "Email copy of credit memo" and "Append comments" are checkmarked. |
{{htmlescape var=$billing.getName()}} | * For New Credit Memo For Guest only, Customer name as defined in billing information for order. |
Order Update (and Order Update for Guest)
Variable | Description |
{{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}} | * For Order Update only, Customer name (as per order information). |
{{var order.increment_id}} | Order identification number |
{{var order.getStatusLabel()}} | Current status of the order. |
{{htmlescape var=$billing.getName()}} | * For Order Update for Guest only, Customer name as defined in billing information for order. |
Shipment Update (and Shipment Update for Guest)
Variable | Description |
{{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}} | * For Shipment Update only, Customer name (as per order information) |
{{htmlescape var=$billing.getname()}} | * For Order Update for Guest only, Customer name as defined in billing information for order |
{{var order.increment_id}} | Order identification number |
{{var order.getStatusLabel()}} | Current status of the order |
Store Credit Update
Variable | Description |
{{var name|escape}} | Name of the customer whose credit has been updated. |
{{var balance}} | Store credit balance. |
Contact Form
Gift Card Account Sent from Edit Page
Variable | Description |
{{var}} | Name (from the name field in the contact form) |
{{var}} | Email Address (email field in contact form) |
{{var data.telephone}} | Phone Number (phone number field in contact form) |
{{var data.comment}} | Comments (comment text box in contact form) |
Variable | Description |
{{var name|escape}} | The name on the gift card. |
{{var code|escape}} | The gift card code. This code is typed in at checkout to use the balance on the gift card for an order. |
{{var balance}} | The balance on the gift card. |
Gift Card Account Sent from Gift Card
Variable | Description |
{{var name|escape}} | The name on the gift card. |
{{var code|escape}} | The gift card code. This code is typed in at checkout to use the balance on the gift card for an order. |
{{var balance}} | The balance on the gift card. |
{{var store.getFrontendName()}} | Store name |
{{var sender_name_with_email|escape}} | Name and email address of the gift card sender. |
{{var giftcards}} | Gift card code(s) -- can be more than one. |
{{var gift_message|escape|n12br}} | Message from the sender included with gift card(s). |
Send Product to a Friend
Variable | Description |
{{var name}} | Name inputted in "send product to a friend" form |
{{var product_url}} | Link address of the product |
{{var product_name}} | Name of the product being sent |
{{var message}} | Message included in "send product to a friend" form |
Share Wishlist
Variable | Description |
{{var}} | Name of customer sharing the wishlist. |
{{var message}} | Message included by customer when sharing wishlist. (In wishlist sharing form) |
{{var items}} | Items in the wishlist. |
{{var viewOnSiteLink}} | Link to view wishlist directly on website. |
Newsletter Subscription Confirmation
New Account
Variable | Description |
var subscriber.getConfirmationLink()}} | Newsletter subscription confirmation link. User must click this link to confirm their subscription. |
Variable | Description |
{{var}} | Name of customer |
{{var}} | Email address / login for the customer account. |
{{htmlescape var=$customer.password}} | Password for new customer account. |
New Account Confirmation
Variable | Description |
{{var}} | Name of customer |
{{var}} | Email address / login for the customer account. |
{{htmlescape var=$customer.password}} | Password for new customer account. |
{{store url="customer/account/confirm/" _query_id=$ _query_key=$customer.confirmation _query_back_url=$back_url}} | Account confirmation key -- link address that customer must click to activate their account. |
New Account Confirmed
Variable | Description |
{{var}} | Name of customer |
{{var}} | Email address / login for the customer account. |
{{htmlescape var=$customer.password}} | Password for new customer account. |
New Administrative Password
Variable | Description |
{{htmlescape var=$}} | Name of administrator. |
{{htmlescape var=$password}} | Password of administrator. |
{{var}} | Administrative user name. |
New Password
Variable | Description |
{{htmlescape var=$}} | Name of customer. |
{{htmlescape var=$customer.password}} | Password of customer. |
Task Notification
Payment Failed
Variable | Description |
{{var message}} | Message/content of a new task. (i.e. Import customers task, Refresh search index task) |
Variable | Description |
{{var reason}} | Reason for payment failure. |
{{var checkoutType}} | Checkout type. |
{{var customer}} | Customer name |
{{var customerEmail}} | Customer e-mail address |
{{var items}} | Line items in the shopping cart order. |
{{var total}} | Total order amount. |
{{var billingAddress.format('html')}} | Complete billing address for HTML emails |
{{var shippingAddress.format('html')}} | Complete shipping address for HTML emails |
{{var shippingMethod}} | Shipping method |
{{var paymentMethod}} | Payment method |
{{var dateAndTime}} | Date and time order was made. |
Product Alerts Cron Error
Variable | Description |
{{var warnings}} | Warnings generated by cron for product alerts. |
Product Price Change Alert & Product Stock Alert
Variable | Description |
{{var customerName}} | Customer name. |
{{var alertGrid}} | Grid of product alerts. |
How come I can't use {{var.comment}} with New Order (and New Order for Guest) ?