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Secure Copy (scp) Example

First add your id_dsa  for you server  Then try these command. Copy the file "foobar.txt" from a remote host to the local host $ scp /some/local/directory Copy the file "foobar.txt" from the local host to a remote host $ scp foobar.txt Copy the directory "foo" from the local host to a remote host's directory "bar" $ scp -r foo Copy the file "foobar.txt" from remote host "" to remote host "" $ scp \ Copying the files "foo.txt" and "bar.txt" from the local host to your home directory on the remote host $ scp foo.txt bar.txt Copy the file "foobar.txt" from the local ho...

How To Get the RSS Feed Of A Facebook Fan Page

Get the URL of the Facebook fan page Get the page ID of the Facebook fan page 124527140956099 Create the RSS feed address 342800190154 Enter the RSS feed address into your favorite RSS reader Thank you.


1) Mcrypt : This is an interface to the mcrypt library, which supports a wide variety of block algorithms such as DES, TripleDES, Blowfish (default), 3-WAY, SAFER-SK64, SAFER-SK128, TWOFISH, TEA, RC2 and GOST in CBC, OFB, CFB and ECB cipher modes. Additionally, it supports RC6 and IDEA which are considered "non-free". CFB/OFB are 8bit by default. 2) Mhash : These functions are intended to work with » mhash. Mhash can be used to create checksums, message digests, message authentication codes, and more. This is an interface to the mhash library. Mhash supports a wide variety of hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, GOST, and many others. 3) Simplexml : The SimpleXML extension provides a very simple and easily usable toolset to convert XML to an object that can be processed with normal property selectors and array iterators. 4) DOM : The DOM extension allows you to op  erate on XML documents through the DOM API with PHP 5. 5) InnoDB storage engine : InnoDB is ...

Creating a new theme in magento

How to create a design theme: Warning: DO NOT DUPLICATE AN EXISTING THEME. Yes, this would make it slightly easier to create your new theme, but it will also make your new theme horribly incompatible with Magento updates. Many designers (including some major Magento design companies) did this for a long time, and left the Magento world in a bit of a mess when 1.4 was released. Instead, use the “least impact” approach, outlined in this article to maximize compatibility with updates. The first step will be creating the folders for the new theme. We’ll call your new design new_theme. Create the following folders: New folders: 1. /app/design/frontend/default/new_theme/ - our new theme 2. /app/design/frontend/default/new_theme/layout 3. /app/design/frontend/default/new_theme/templates 4. /skin/frontend/default/new_theme/ - our new skins folder 5. /skin/frontend/default/new_theme/css/ 6. /skin/frontend/default/new_theme/images/ Also, create the following ...

Calling layout blocks using Magento functions

<block type="page/html_toplinks" name="top.left.links" as="topLeftLinks"/> <?=$this getChildHtml(’as’)?> - by using the block alias “as” from the XML file we can display a block on our page → providing that it  was defined already in the corresponding XML file <?=$this→getLayout()→getBlock(’name’)→toHtml()?> - by using the block name from the XML file, we can call any block whether or  not it was already defined in corresponding XML file