· Introduct for Developers
What you should learn before developing magento.
Magento is a Zend Framework (v1) application. Learning ZF will help you getting Magento quickly. Dedicate some days to learn at http://framework.zend.com/
Understand OOP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming first . Once you are done, study and understand Eventdriven programming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event-driven_programming.
Understand Model View Controller architectural pattern principles ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model–view– controller ), and RESPECT it when developing Magento.
You might need some help during setup, follow the official installation guide at http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/magento-installation-guide
• After the installation, you MUST understand EVERY SINGLE parameter under “system>configuration”. It’s the key to avoid developing again something that comes out-of-the-box.
• Magento directory structure:
• “app” directory is your main focus
• “js” and “skin” will also be important developing frontend
• “media” will host all the catalog pictures
• “var” is where all the temporary content will be
• Don’t mess too much with the rest…
Create your own Namespace in “app/code/local” . Every module you develop will be placed there.
Create also your own design package in “app/design/frontend”
Create new layouts and use them in any CMS page
· XML Examples:
When referencing XML the ellipses, ..., are used to suggest that other, optional, or pre-existing XML tags are present. Given the XML structure below:
<Mage_Customer />
<Mage_Checkout />
The section enclosed in the rewardpoints_setup tag may be represented as this:
What you should learn before developing magento.
Magento is a Zend Framework (v1) application. Learning ZF will help you getting Magento quickly. Dedicate some days to learn at http://framework.zend.com/
Understand OOP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming first . Once you are done, study and understand Eventdriven programming http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event-driven_programming.
Understand Model View Controller architectural pattern principles ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model–view– controller ), and RESPECT it when developing Magento.
You might need some help during setup, follow the official installation guide at http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/magento-installation-guide
• After the installation, you MUST understand EVERY SINGLE parameter under “system>configuration”. It’s the key to avoid developing again something that comes out-of-the-box.
• Magento directory structure:
• “app” directory is your main focus• “js” and “skin” will also be important developing frontend
• “media” will host all the catalog pictures
• “var” is where all the temporary content will be
• Don’t mess too much with the rest…
Create your own Namespace in “app/code/local” . Every module you develop will be placed there.
Create also your own design package in “app/design/frontend”
Create new layouts and use them in any CMS page· XML Examples:
When referencing XML the ellipses, ..., are used to suggest that other, optional, or pre-existing XML tags are present. Given the XML structure below:
<Mage_Customer />
<Mage_Checkout />
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