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How To Deploy an Advanced PHP Application Using Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04 ?

Introduction This tutorial is the second in a series about deploying PHP applications using Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04. The first tutorial  covers the basic steps for deploying an application, and is a starting point for the steps outlined in this tutorial. In this tutorial we will cover setting up SSH keys to support code deployment/publishing tools, configuring the system firewall, provisioning and configuring the database (including the password!), and setting up task schedulers (crons) and queue daemons. The goal at the end of this tutorial is for you to have a fully working PHP application server with the aforementioned advanced configuration. Like the last tutorial, we will be using the  Laravel framework  as our example PHP application. However, these instructions can be easily modified to support other frameworks and applications if you already have your own. Prerequisites This tutorial follows on directly from the end of  the first tutorial in the series , and all o