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Scale redis server

Redis server this is multipurpose NoSQL db which are largely used as distributed caching server  Basic architecture to  Scale redis server in terms of availability and accessibility   One of the slave server should be use for persistence storage this can help to resysc master in case of power failer

Form Zend Framework

Form Zend Framework primarily as a bridge between your domain models and the View Layer. Zend/form- This is  used to bind/bridge b/w data model to view layer  and provide generic api to build view form with element also provide  interface to build custom  form  element Form have following  following objects  inputFliter -This provide small number of method to filter data   Example        $inputFilter = new InputFilter(); Elements  - It simply create html form element & Zend\Form\Element is a base class for all specialized elements  Example.  $name = new Element('name'); $name->setLabel('Your name'); $name->setAttributes( array( 'type'  => 'text', 'class' => 'name',     'size'  => '30', )); Zend\InputFilter\InputProviderInterface interface will be used to create custom ...

Installing the PHP "memcached" Extension on OS X MAC

To disable System Integrity Protection, boot into recovery mode by restarting and then holding  ⌘R  as you hear the startup chime. Then start the Terminal from the Utilities menu. Run the following command $ csrutil disable Then reboot. You are good to go. If you wish to turn it back on, which you probably should when you are done, follow the instructions above but instead use: $ csrutil enable The first step is to install the latest and greatest Xcode. Install the Xcode developer tools. Apple seems to have removed this option from the preferences so you'll need to handle this from the command line. $ xcode-select --install Next we will install the required dependencies. If you are not already using  Homebrew  you should be. $ brew install wget autoconf pkg-config libmemcached You will also want to make sure you have PEAR installed; instructions can be found  here  but can be summarized as follows: $ wget

How to Start and Stop Background Services with Homebrew/brew

install brew services:   brew tap homebrew/services then check list of service ablable in brew by commond ": brew services list this will give you all service aviable with brew then start , stop restart by :  brew services start redis brew services restart redis brew services stop redis now you can cleanup brew by : brew services cleanup , More : brew --help brew command brew  beer

How to install memcached on Mac with Homebrew and Lunchy

install  memcached -  brew install memcached . install  Lunchy -  gem install lunchy find version of install memcached and link lunchy to memcached -  $version cp / usr / local / Cellar / memcached / $version / homebrew . mxcl . memcached . plist ~ /Library/ LaunchAgents / and start memcached with lunchy start memcached , lunchy stop memcached