Install Solr download and install Solr from . you can access Solr admin from your browser: http://localhost:8983/solr/ use the port number used in installation. MySQL connector Download JDBC driver for MySQL from . Copy file from the downloaded archive 'mysql-connector-java-*.jar' to the folder 'contrib/dataimporthandler/lib' in the folder where Solr was installed. Create 'lib' folder if needed. MS SQL Server connector Download Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server from: copy file 'sqljdbc4.jar' to 'contrib/dataimporthandler/lib' Setup a new collection create a new folder for a new collection - 'myproducts'. The collection will be located in '/solr/myproducts' folder. Create folders conf and data in the collection folder: /solr/myproducts/conf /...