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Showing posts from September, 2012

How to install exe file on linux.,?

To install exe on Linux we uses  wine so first we have to install it the we can install any exe file on your Linux machine to install wine use this command: sudo apt-get install wine if you install it successfully, then now you are ready to install your exe file and now right click on you exe file and open it with wine.... for more information use this link

Most Usable Python Module.

50 awesome modules for Pytho Graphical interface wxPython Graphical interface pyGtk Graphical interface pyQT Graphical interface Pmw Graphical interface Tkinter 3000 Graphical interface Tix Database MySQLdb Database PyGreSQL Database Gadfly Database SQLAlchemy Database psycopg Database kinterbasdb Database cx_Oracle Database pySQLite MSN Messenger msnlib MSN Messenger pymsn MSN Messenger msnp Net...

Illegal form_id error after entering form ID in captcha module in Drupal7

Form ID of the form is "webform_client_form_21". CAPTCHA module validates Form IDs using /^[a-z_]+$/. then  Goto sites\all\modules\captcha and Open captcha.admin.ini file add modify line no 255,400 line  preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/', to  preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+$/', and save file. Created a form with the webform module, checked "Add CAPTCHA administration links to forms", visited a form I created with the Webform module, clicked the link "Place a CAPTCHA here for untrusted users." clicked "Save". now you are done but to work captcha just modify form id for exaple if you got form id from webform  webform-client-form-1 then enter form id to captcha  webform_client_form_1 :)

How to reset admin password in Drupal7 ?

<?php   define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd()); require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/'; include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); echo user_hash_password('aktel');  die(); and copy this hash code to your user pass filed; or run this query UPDATE users SET pass='$S$CGM3hk.Fvl/pQlirfJmIQiXMOdifVR.wPoyT9e81ktxAStq7pmGK' where uid=1; and now your password is aktel or run this query: for D6 UPDATE users SET pass = MD5('aktel') WHERE uid = 1;

List OF GUI toolkit For Python

Most Popular GUI Tool kit: Tkinter = Uses the Tk platform. Readily available. Semistandard. wxPython = Based on wxWindows. Increasingly popular. PythonWin = Windows only. Uses native Windows GUI capabilities. Java Swing = Jython only. Uses native Java GUI capabilities. PyGTK = Uses the GTK platform. Especially popular on Linux. PyQt = Uses the Qt platform. Especially popular on Linux. You can also find some other toolkit 

What Is a Regular Expression?

A regular expression (also called a regex or regexp) is a pattern that can match a piece of text. The simplest form of regular expression is just a plain string, which matches itself. A regexp can match more than one string, and you create such a pattern by using some special characters. For example , the period character ( dot ) matches any character (except a newline), so the regular expression '.ython' would match both the string 'python' and the string 'jython'. It would also match strings such as 'qython', '+ython', or ' ython' (in which the first letter is a single space), but not strings such as 'cpython' or 'ython' because the period matches a single letter, and neither two nor zero .     and this period is called  a wildcard. (pattern) ?  pattern  is used to  Escaping Special Characters  (pattern)* pattern is repeated zero or more times (pattern)+ pattern is repeated one or more times (patt...

How to Connect Jython And Mysql .?

def mysql_connect(self):         from java.sql import DriverManager         mysqlLog_server="localhost"         mysqlLog_database="mysql"         mysqlLog_username="root"         mysqlLog_password=""         url = "jdbc:mysql://" \                + mysqlLog_server + "/" \                + mysqlLog_database + "?user=" \                + mysqlLog_username + "&password=" \                + mysqlLog_password         conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url)   ...